Silviculture of Native Species from the Mato Grosso Cerrado (Tropical Savannah) in the “SESC Serra Azul” protected area

Nobres-MT, Brazil - “Serra Azul” Protected Area. This farm was recently acquired by “Serviço Social do Comércio” (Social Institution maintained by traders in Brazil) in order to carry out tourism activities for its associates. There was a large demand for ecological restoration, since almost half of the 5,000 hectares of the farm were being used as low intensity pastures. We hope that this will lead to the establishment of a conservation area for the Mato Grosso State Tropical Savannah´s (Cerrado) biodiversity. This area is critical for conservation, given the diversity of Cerrado phytophysiognomies and huge flora and fauna biodiversity. A pioneer forest experiment will be carried out in a significant share of this protection area, in order to develop models for Cerrado restoration and sustainable use, shedding some light into the restoration of degraded areas on private lands.
Prof. Pedro Brancalion, Doutoranda Carina Camargo Silva (LASTROP), Prof. Pablo Vidal Torrado (ESALQ), Prof. Mario L. T. de Moraes (UNESP), Dr. Paulo H. M. da Silva, Biol. Israel G. Vieira, Dr. Otávio C. Campoe e Dr. Clayton A. de Alvares (IPEF)

Objective:  establish a research chain  focusing on Cerrado restoration, conservation and sustainable use;

Research description: around 80 hectares with various randomized blocks experiments;

Ongoing evaluations:  1) survey of the Protected Area vegetation, soil and climate; 2) availability of genetic material (establishment of seed orchards and development of technology for seed and seedling production); 3) development of silvicultural methods for the commercial production of native species (fertilizing, spacing for single species and mixed species plantations, mixed plantations of teak with native species and commercial enrichment plantations of tropical savannas (Cerrado)) and 4) Cerrado restoration (by planting seedlings to catalyze spontaneous regeneration and using cattle grazing to control invasive grasses competition). Based on these experiments, we will be able to develop technical requirements for Mato Grosso State to carry on commercial production of its native species, as well as restoring degraded Cerrado areas. In this context, the “SESC Serra Azul” Protected Area is a benchmark initiative to spread such techniques in the state.

Start date: 2012.

Research team: Prof. Dr. Pedro Henrique Santin Brancalion, Prof. Dr. Mario L. T. de Moraes (UNESP), Prof. Dr. Pablo Vidal Torrado (ESALQ), Ms. Carina Camargo Silva (LASTROP), Dr. Paulo H. M. da Silva, Dr. Otavio C. Campoe, Dr. Clayton A. de Alvares (IPEF), and Israel G. Vieira.

Financial Support: SESC and IPEF (Institute for Forest Research and Studies).


LASTROP - ESALQ / USP - Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz