Restoration of the “Mata da Pedreira” Forest Remnant: development of management methods to increase biodiversity conservation and provisioning of environmental services in degraded forest fragments

University of São Paulo Campus, Piracicaba - SP, Brazil. The study area is a fragment of Semideciduous Seasonal Forest of 14 hectares, in the Atlantic Forest Biome, which suffered several anthropic disturbances. The most intense disturbance registered was a large fire in 1981. At the present time, the study area is a mosaic of different degradation levels, with overall dominance of pioneer tree species and ruderal lianas
Prof. Pedro Brancalion, Prof. Edson Vidal, Mestrando Ricardo Gomes César, Mestranda Vanessa Jó Girão, Mestrando Felipe Mello (LASTROP), Profa Kátia Maria P. M. B. Ferraz, Prof. José Leonardo Gonçalves e Prof. Ciro Righi (LCF/ESALQ), Prof. Ricardo Viani (UFSCar)

Objective: to develop management methods and create permanent research plots for the restoration of degraded forest remnants aiming to improve biodiversity conservation and environmental services provisioning. This study will investigate how the cutting of ruderal vines - which tend to dominate tree community after disturbance - could favor secondary succession. We believe that controlling hyper-abundant vine populations is needed to reestablish forest regeneration and, thus, improve its structure and biodiversity conservation potential.

Research description:  we installed 35 permanent plots; 30 in degraded forest sectors and five in less degraded forest sectors (reference plots). The 30 plots in degraded sectors were divided in ten blocks of three plots according to the randomized blocks experimental design. Each block had the following treatments: MP - liana cutting and seedling planting aiming at recover canopy, M - liana cutting without seedling planting; C - control. The permanent plots mentioned are circles of 10 m radius.

Ongoing evaluations: 1) liana density, biomass and growth in the forest canopy and floor; 2) soil seed bank, seed rain, seedling and adult individuals community in plots with and without liana cutting; 3) effect of liana cutting on richness, density and basal area of the seedling and adult plant community; and 4) effect of liana cutting on seed emergence and seedling mortality and growth.

Start date: 2011.

Research team: Prof. Pedro Henrique Santin Brancalion, Prof. Edson José Vidal da Silva, M.S. Ricardo Gomes César, M.S. Vanessa Jó Girão, Graduate Student Felipe Mello (LASTROP), Prof. Kátia Maria P. M. B. Ferraz, Prof. José Leonardo Gonçalves e Prof. Ciro Abbud Righi (LCF/ESALQ), Prof. Ricardo Augusto Gorne Viani (UFSCar)

Financial Support: National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq),  São Paulo State Research Foundation (FAPESP)



LASTROP - ESALQ / USP - Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz