Restoration models for multiple use forest management in the Atlantic Forest

Itu - SP, Brazil - Center of Forest Experiments “S.O.S. Mata Atlântica - Brazil Kirin”. The study area is a rural property where, since 2007, around 350 ha of native forest are being restored over exotic fodder grass pastures. Several studies and researches were carried out during this period.
Prof. Pedro Brancalion (LASTROP), Prof. Ricardo Ribeiro Rodrigues (LERF/ESALQ), Dr. André Nave (BioFlora) e Ludmila Pugliese (Fundação SOS Mata Atlântica).
CNPq, FAPESP e Fundação SOS Mata Atlântica

Objective:  to test economic and ecological viability of plantations of various native tree species with native and exotic species for multiple use management (wood, fruits, latex and palm heart); in forests under restoration. Our proposal aims at developing restoration methods, especially for Legal Reserves in low agricultural aptitude areas - which are attractive for a vast array of landowners - in order to demonstrate the economic opportunities of forest restoration and to provide guidelines for public policies, such as the New Brazilian Forest Code.

Research description:  we installed two experiments. The first experiment focused in planting both native and non-native tree species for timber production (several native species of intermediate and final wood, canafístula and african mahogany) and latex production (rubber tree). The second experiment evaluated the mixed planting of native tree species with fruit producing species (lychee and passion fruit), macadamia nut and palm heart. In both experiments, we carried out: (1) Monospecific plantings of commercial species - in order to evaluate the impact of mixed planting with native trees in the productivity potential; (2) Conventional forest restoration plantings, - in order to evaluate how multiple use forest management affects ecologic sustainability of areas under restoration. Thus, each experiment consisted of 5 treatments (4 commercial species + conventional restoration plantings) + monospecific plantings of the commercial species, with 4 repetitions each. Each plot was 40 x 45 m (1,800 m²), summing 3.6 hectares for each experiment. Considering the monospecific plantings, each experiment occupied 5 hectares, summing 10 hectares of experimental area. For each treatment, we used 40 native tree species. (link pdf).

Ongoing evaluations: implementation and maintenance costs, invasive grass cover, canopy structure, growth of native and commercial tree species, native species regeneration.

Start date: 2012.

Research team: Prof. Pedro Henrique Santin Brancalion (LASTROP), Prof. Ricardo Ribeiro Rodrigues (LERF/ESALQ), Dr. André Gustavo Nave (BioFlora) e Ludmila Pugliese (“S.O.S. Mata Atlântica Foundation).

Financial Support: National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq),  São Paulo State Research Foundation (FAPESP) and “S.O.S. Mata Atlântica” Foundation


LASTROP - ESALQ / USP - Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz