The role of tree species diversity and forest management in ecological restoration

Anhembi - SP, Brazil - Experimental Station of the University of São Paulo
Prof. Pedro Brancalion (LASTROP), Prof. José Luiz Stape – coordenador dos projetos (North Caroline State University), Dr. Otávio Campoe (IPEF) e Dr. João Carlos Teixeira Mendes (LCF/ESALQ/USP).
FAPESP, IPEF, Petrobrás e Grupo Florestal Monte Olimpo

Objective: Evaluate the role of tree species diversity and forest management in ecological restoration. The results obtained in this study - specially the long term results - will allow us to reformulate restoration methods currently in use and provide scientific basis for legal instruments.

Research description:  both experiments are inserted in the project “Models for recuperating degraded areas in the Atlantic Forest using native species in two Brazilian regions, focusing on carbon sequestration”. The first experiment was implemented in 2006, when we tested reforestation models using 20, 60 and 120 native species in a randomized experimental design of four repetitions (45 x 48 m plots, with 480 individuals each). The second experiment was installed in 2004 in a full factorial experimental design 2³, with four repetitions in randomized blocks, summing 32 experimental plots of 1,260 m² each (42 x 30 m). Variation factors in this experiment were: 1) pioneer tree proportion (50:50 and 67:33), 2) planting density (3 x 1 m and 3 x 2 m) and 3) management (conventional or intensive, based on fertilization and weed control commonly used for restoration and eucalyptus planting, respectively).

Ongoing evaluations: effect of tree diversity - carbon stocks, current annual increase, canopy structure and functional diversity; effect of management - canopy structure, weed cover and natural regeneration of native species.

Start date: 2006.

Research team: Prof. Pedro Henrique Santin Brancalion (LASTROP), Prof. José Luiz Stape - project coordinator (North Caroline State University), Dr Otávio Campoe (IPEF) and Dr. João Carlos Teixeira Mendes (LCF/ESALQ/USP).

Financial Support: São Paulo State Research Foundation (FAPESP), Forest Research and Studies Institute (IPEF), Petrobras and Group “Monte Olimpo” of Forestry Undergraduate Students.


LASTROP - ESALQ / USP - Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz