Management of Euterpe edulis for fruit production in the São Paulo “Serra-do-Mar”: conservation, restoration and community strengthening

Natividade da Serra, SP, and Ubatuba, SP, Brazil – Serra do Mar State Park and surroundings. Fruit management was evaluated in areas within the Temporary Occupation Zone and Anthropologic Historic Cultural Zone inside the park, and control areas, in which community did not manage fruits, within the Primitive Zone.
Prof. Pedro Brancalion, Prof. Edson Vidal, Doutorando Saulo Eduardo X. F. Souza, Mestrando Germano de Freitas Chagas, Graduanda Anna Maria G. C. Lyra, Graduanda Isabella Quatrochi Soncim, Graduanda Regina Maria de Freitas (LASTROP), Mestranda Gabriela S. Santa Rosa Macêdo, Mestrando Rodrigo Minici de Oliveira e Graduanda Liz Ota (UNESP-Botucatu)

Objective: Investigate the influence of palm heart management on fruit production of secondary forests and agroforestry systems around traditional communities and their relation with biodiversity conservation, ecosystem restoration and socioeconomic development. Considering that most protected areas have serious deficiencies in reinforcement and illegal pal heart exploitation still happens today, we hope that fruit exploitation by traditional communities, as well as the use of seeds resulting from pulp extraction, contributes not only to the conservation of remaining populations, but also to the enrichment of overexploited forests and subsistence cultivation fields, achieving “conservation by use”.

Experiment description: we are evaluating 22 areas distributed in three ecosystems: 9 in managed secondary forests, 7 in agroecosystems (traditional backyards and banana plantations) and 6 in unmanaged secondary forests with no intervention during the last decade. We are establishing 10 m radio circle-shaped permanent plots (314 m2), randomly distributed along systematic transections (every 50 m). We have 71 plots and 2.23 ha total, where all palms with exposed stipe > 1.3 m area evaluated. Regeneration (< 1.3 m) is observed in 3 m radio sub samples concentric to the permanent plots. In parallel, random block experiments are being carried out in order to evaluate the cost-effectivity of reintroduction methods for this species, together with phytosociology, ethnobotany and ethnoecology studies.

Ongoing evaluations: Structure analysis and population dynamics of Euterpe edulis (diameter and height – for plants >1.3m; height and number of leaves – young plants); production analysis (number of bunches per plant and classification in nine size categories); phytosociological study; cost-effectivity evaluation of strategies for E. edulis reintroduction in over exploited forests by the use of seeds and seedlings.

Starting date: 2011

Research team: Prof. Dr. Pedro Brancalion, Prof. Dr. Edson Vidal, PhD candidate Saulo Eduardo X. F. Souza, Germano de Freitas Chagas, Anna Maria G. C. Lyra, Isabella Quatrochi Soncim, Regina Maria de Freitas (LASTROP), Gabriela S. Santa Rosa Macêdo, Rodrigo Minici de Oliveira and Liz Ota (UNESP-Botucatu)

Supporters: FAPESP (São Paulo Research Foundation), CNPq (Brazilian Research Foundation), IPEMA (Instituto de Permacultura e Ecovilas da Mata Atlântica) and Akarui


LASTROP - ESALQ / USP - Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz