Production potential of two key non-timber forest products in the Amazon region, the “cipó-titica” (Heteropsis sp) and the “Copaíba” (Copaifera sp)

This Project takes place in forests that belong to “Instituto Floresta Tropical” within the “Centro de Manejo Florestal Roberto Bauch”, Cauaxi farm, Paragominas, PA, Brazil.
Prof. Edson Vidal e Doutoranda Carine Klauberg

Objective: Evaluate the potential for production and management of two key non-timber forest products in the Amazon region: “cipó-titica” (Heteropsis sp.) and “Copaíba” (Copaifera sp.).

Experiment description:

“Cipó titica” – In 2007, the experiment was established in 3 100 ha stands. In each stand, 3 1.5 ha blocks were plotted (100 x 150 m), accounting for 9 blocks within 13.5 ha total. Each 1.5 ha block was split into six 0.25 ha plots (50 x 50 m).

Copaíba – All individuals of DBH ≥ 30cm were located, mapped and georeferenced. We established 40 plots of  400 m2 each (20x20m) around 20 individuals within a managed area and around another 20 individuals in an unmanaged natural area. For those trees, we measured DBH (cm), estimated total height (m) and evaluated some characteristics such as the presence of termites. Copaiba oil production is being monitored since 2006 in harvest cycles that vary from 1 to 5 years.

Ongoing evaluations: “Cipó-titica” – Taxonomic determination of individuals, inventory, phytosociology and species ecology, silvicultural techniques and monitoring; “Copaíba” – Taxonomic determination, oil production evaluation, species ecology, silvicultural techniques and monitoring.


Starting date: 2010

Research team: Prof. Dr. Edson Vidal and PhD candidate Carine Klauberg

Supporters: FAPESP


LASTROP - ESALQ / USP - Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz