Study of Ecological Aspects and Interests of Amazon Communities to Subsidize the Strengthening of Forest Productive Chains of Non-timber Products

Almeirim, PA, Brazil. Located in Northwest Pará, Almeirim has an extension of 72.955 Km² and is in the Low Amazon region. About 2% of the county’s area was cleared (IBGE, 2008), and about 80% corresponds to protected areas, which makes that the biggest biodiversity corridor in the world, from the Guianas shield to the south portion of Eastern Amazon.
Prof. Edson Vidal, Mestranda Renata Bergamo Caramez, Mestrando Danilo Ignacio de Urzedo e Estudante de Graduação Marina Losi Monteiro (LASTROP), Ana Luiza Violato Espada, Marco Aurélio Watanabe Lentini, Paulo Amorim da Silva (Instituto Floresta Tropical)

Objective: Develop management principles based in the ecology of forest species for the promotion and strengthening of forest productive chains of non-timber forest products (NTFP), in order to subsidize good management practices and the territorial development of Amazonian communities, contributing to conservation and local income generation.

Project description: this project consists of an assessment of the more promising species for the local community. Based on information gathered, we will select the species of highest potential to strengthen the forest product chain in the Amazon region. Then, we will make the ecological characterization of such species. This method will be adapted and refined for each species in order to have a consistent database coherent to each species characteristics. We believe that this may lead to solid information that can subsidize the definition of good management practices.

Ongoing evaluations: 1) Participative taxonomic determination of species of socioeconomic potential for non-timber production, as well as understanding of local knowledge about the use of such species, production systems and community organization; 2) Evaluation of governance structure for NTFP and the dialogue with government programs to consolidate productive chains starting from public policies; 3) Characterization of population dynamics of 5 species of which NTFP are obtained from; 4) Characterization of the phenology of this species; and 5) Productivity assessment of NTFP for chosen species.

Starting date: 2013

Research team: Prof. Dr. Edson Vidal, Renata Bergamo Caramez, Danilo Ignacio de Urzedo, Marina Losi Monteiro (LASTROP), Ana Luiza Violato Espada, Marco Aurélio Watanabe Lentini and Paulo Amorim da Silva (Instituto Floresta Tropical)

Supporters: CNPq (Brazilian National Research Council)

LASTROP - ESALQ / USP - Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz