Potential for the economic-ecologic management of Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa) in the region of Almeirim, PA, Brazil

Almeirim-PA. We selected villages where Brazil nut trees are present in this county.
Prof. Edson Vidal e mestranda Renata Bergamo Caramez (LASTROP) e Paulo Amorin e Ueno (IFT núcleo Altamira)

Objective: Evaluate the economic-ecologic potential and develop principles for the sustainable management of Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa) by communities in Almeirim-PA, considering the ecology of this species, good management practices and community economic planning of this product chain.

Experiment description: this project has 4 stages: 1) Community characterization; 2) Ecologic characterization of Brazil nut populations; 3) Characterization of Brazil nut management; 4) Integration of results and overall analysis. For the ecologic characterization, we established 250 x 250 m (6,25 ha) plots in “Castanhais”(forests with many Brazil nut trees), with one sampling area per community and a sampling area of 18,75ha total. Within each plot, we randomly established 10 subplots (10 x 10 m), 25 m apart. Individuals of Brazil nut DBH <10 cm are measured in the subplots.

Ongoing evaluations: Community ecologic perception about and interest in Brazil nut trees management; Study of the practices used in Almeirin for Brazil nut trees management, considering relevant technical and scientific orientation; Evaluation of the impact of B. excelsa management on the subsistence of landowners; Social organization and obstacles to the strengthening of NTFP management in Almeirim-PA.


Starting date: 2013

Research team: Prof. Dr. Edson Vidal, Renata Bergamo Caramez (LASTROP), Paulo Amorin and Ueno (IFT - Altamira)

Supporters: CNPq (Brazilian National Research Council) and IFT

LASTROP - ESALQ / USP - Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz