Test of different methods for the evaluation of damage and wastage caused by business wood management in Ombrophilous Dense Forest in the Brazilian Amazon

Paragominas-PA, Brazil. “Centro de Treinamento em Manejo Florestal Roberto Bauch”
Prof. Edson Vidal, Mestrandos Carine Klauberg e Carlos Silva e Estudante de graduação Marina Montó (LASTROP) e Marco Lentini, Iran Pires e Paulo Bittencourt (IFT)

Objective: Testing different sampling methods and determine the number, shape and size of representative plots to evaluate damage and wastage from wood management in Ombrophilous Dense Forest in the Brazilian Amazon.

Experiment description: Our experiment has a 26 ha area and we are testing 4 sampling methods (simple random sampling, systematic sampling, quadrat sampling and Prodan’s method). Different sizes, shapes and numbers of samples are being combined to test each sampling method. The experiment was divided in three stages and four steps each. First, we will perform a pre-exploratory census in the field. Second, we will keep up with the exploitation activities in the field. Third, we will evaluate the damages and wastages caused by wood exploitation (post-exploratory census). And fourth, we will process the data in the office and evaluated all the results found.

Ongoing evaluations: Sampling simulation to test for sampling intensity and plot size.


Starting date: 2010

Research team: Prof. Dr. Edson Vidal, Carine Klauberg, Carlos Silva, Marina Montó (LASTROP), Marco Lentini, Iran Pires and Paulo Bittencourt (IFT)

Supporters: CNPq (Brazilian National Research Council) and IFT


LASTROP - ESALQ / USP - Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz