Monitoring tropical forest restoration by a drone-lidar-hyperspectral system

São Paulo - Brasil
Danilo Roberti Alves de Almeida; Supervisor: Pedro Brancalion

The information provided by remote sensors to deal with and hyperspectral, on drone platforms, will revolutionize the measurement and understanding of the success of tropical forest restoration, bringing detailed information to various areas of knowledge such as restoration, management and conservation, significantly improving the uptake of decisions in the forestry area. More specifically, we will investigate the potential of the drone-lidar-hyper system to (i) distinguish forest types, tree diversity, above-ground biomass, (ii) classification and mapping of tree species (iii) microclimate, light and interception of water and (iv) tree demography.


LASTROP - ESALQ / USP - Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz