Agroforestry system as a model of conservation and production to assist forest restoration initiatives

Pontal do Paranapanema - SP - Brasil
Vitoria Duarte Derisso; Edson José Vidal da Silva / Ricardo Gomes César

 The project, which is being developed in the Pontal do Paranapanema (SP) region, aims to assess the feasibility of Agroforestry Systems (SAFs) as an alternative tool for forest restoration, reconciling conservation with production, through ecological indicators, income generation and diversity of products and investigate how management intensity influences these indicators. Understanding the importance of strengthening public policies that establish criteria for the use and management of SAFs to restore protected areas, the consistency of the ecological indicators and reference values ​​required in ANNEX V of SMA Resolution No. 189 of December 2018 will be evaluated.


LASTROP - ESALQ / USP - Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz